Example Setup

Use this example ledger configuration to start exploring Twisp and learning how to build your accounting system.

This setup is for an example budgeting app called "Budget Buddy". Think of it as a mashup of a budgeting tool like Mint or YNAB with a social wallet app like Venmo.

The full setup GraphQL code can be found at the bottom of this page.

Account Structure

Budget Buddy's chart of accounts includes account sets for each user, containing that user's wallet, budget accounts, and linked financial accounts like checking or credit cards. It also has offset and settlement account.

User Accounts

Settlement Accounts

Additional Sets

Additional account sets are used to roll up wallet and budget accounts:

Tran Codes

The setup defines several TranCodes:

  • ALLOC_BUDGET: Allocates an amount to a specific budget, creating a credit entry in the account and a debit entry in the budget offset account.
  • DEALLOC_BUDGET: Deallocates funds from a budget, creating a credit entry in the budget offset account and a debit entry in the account.
  • ASSIGN_TO_BUDGET: Assigns a transaction to a particular budget, creating a credit entry in the account and a debit entry in the budget offset account.
  • RECORD_TX: Records a transaction between two accounts, creating a debit entry in one account and a credit entry in another.
  • RECORD_PENDING_TX: Records a pending transaction between two accounts, creating a debit entry in one account and a credit entry in another.
  • RECORD_SETTLE_PENDING_TX: Records the settlement of a pending transaction, creating a credit entry in the corresponding account and a debit entry in the settlement account.
  • WALLET_TRANSFER: Transfers funds between two wallets, creating a debit entry in one wallet and a credit entry in another.
  • WALLET_DEPOSIT: Deposits funds into a wallet, creating a debit entry in the wallet account and a credit entry in the checking account.
  • WALLET_WITHDRAW: Withdraws funds from a wallet, creating a debit entry in the checking account and a credit entry in the wallet account.

Each TranCode defines the entries that should be created in the ledger when the transaction is processed, as well as any metadata that should be associated with the transaction.


Standard Tutorial Setup

mutation SetupAccounts(
  $journalId: UUID!
  $journalIdExpression: Expression!
  $set_bertId: UUID!
  $set_budgetsId: UUID!
  $set_ernieId: UUID!
  $set_settlementId: UUID!
  $set_usersId: UUID!
  $set_walletsId: UUID!
  $bertBudgetId: UUID!
  $bertCashId: UUID!
  $bertCheckingId: UUID!
  $bertWalletId: UUID!
  $budgetOffsetId: UUID!
  $budgetOffsetIdExpression: Expression!
  $ernieBudgetId: UUID!
  $ernieCheckingId: UUID!
  $ernieCreditCardId: UUID!
  $ernieWalletId: UUID!
  $settlementCardId: UUID!
  $settlementCashId: UUID!
  $settlementCheckingId: UUID!
  $tc_allocBudgetId: UUID!
  $tc_deallocBudgetId: UUID!
  $tc_recordTxId: UUID!
  $tc_recordPendingTxId: UUID!
  $tc_recordSettlePendingTxId: UUID!
  $tc_assignToBudgetId: UUID!
  $tc_walletTransferId: UUID!
  $tc_walletDepositId: UUID!
  $tc_walletWithdrawId: UUID!
) {
  gl: createJournal(
    input: { journalId: $journalId, name: "GL", description: "General Ledger" }
  ) {

  schema {
      input: {
        on: Transaction
        unique: false
        partition: [
            alias: "userAccountId"
            value: "string(document.metadata.userAccountId)"
            alias: "budgetCategory"
            value: "string(document.metadata.budgetCategory)"
        sort: [
            alias: "budgetCategory"
            value: "string(document.metadata.budgetCategory)"
            sort: ASC
        constraints: {
          hasCategory: "has(document.metadata.budgetCategory)"
          hasUserAccountId: "has(document.metadata.userAccountId)"
    ) {

  acct_set_bert: createAccountSet(
    input: {
      accountSetId: $set_bertId
      journalId: $journalId
      name: "Bert"
      description: "Bert's account"
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
  ) {

  acct_set_budgets: createAccountSet(
    input: {
      accountSetId: $set_budgetsId
      journalId: $journalId
      name: "Budgets"
      description: "All budget accounts"
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
  ) {

  acct_set_ernie: createAccountSet(
    input: {
      accountSetId: $set_ernieId
      journalId: $journalId
      name: "Ernie"
      description: "Ernie's account."
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
  ) {

  acct_set_settlement: createAccountSet(
    input: {
      accountSetId: $set_settlementId
      journalId: $journalId
      name: "Settlement"
      description: "All settlement accounts."
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
  ) {

  acct_set_users: createAccountSet(
    input: {
      accountSetId: $set_usersId
      journalId: $journalId
      name: "Users"
      description: "All users' accounts."
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
  ) {

  acct_set_wallets: createAccountSet(
    input: {
      accountSetId: $set_walletsId
      journalId: $journalId
      name: "Wallets"
      description: "All customer wallets."
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
  ) {

  acct_bert_budget: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $bertBudgetId
      code: "BERT.BUDGET"
      name: "Bert's Budget"
      description: "Bert's budgeting account"
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_bertId, $set_budgetsId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_bert_cash: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $bertCashId
      code: "BERT.CASH"
      name: "Bert's Cash Acct."
      description: "Bert's Cash"
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_bertId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_bert_checking: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $bertCheckingId
      code: "BERT.CHECKING"
      name: "Bert's Checking Acct."
      description: "Bert's Checking Acct."
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_bertId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_bert_wallet: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $bertWalletId
      code: "BERT.WALLET"
      name: "Bert's Wallet"
      description: "Bert's wallet"
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_bertId, $set_walletsId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_budget_offset: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $budgetOffsetId
      code: "BUDGET.OFFSET"
      name: "Budget Offset"
      description: "Offset accounts for budgeting."
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_budgetsId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_ernie_budget: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $ernieBudgetId
      code: "ERNIE.BUDGET"
      name: "Ernie's Budget"
      description: "Ernie's budgeting account"
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_ernieId, $set_budgetsId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_ernie_checking: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $ernieCheckingId
      code: "ERNIE.CHECKING"
      name: "Ernie's Checking Acct."
      description: ""
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_ernieId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_ernie_credit_card: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $ernieCreditCardId
      code: "ERNIE.CREDIT_CARD"
      name: "Ernie's Credit Card Acct."
      description: "Ernie's Credit Card Acct."
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_ernieId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_ernie_wallet: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $ernieWalletId
      code: "ERNIE.WALLET"
      name: "Ernie's Wallet"
      description: "Ernie's wallet"
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_ernieId, $set_walletsId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_settlement_card: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $settlementCardId
      code: "SETTLEMENT.CARD"
      name: "Card Settlement"
      description: "Settlement account for credit card transactions"
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_settlementId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_settlement_cash: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $settlementCashId
      code: "SETTLEMENT.CASH"
      name: "Cash Settlement"
      description: "Settlement account for cash transactions"
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_settlementId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  acct_settlement_checking: createAccount(
    input: {
      accountId: $settlementCheckingId
      name: "Checking Settlement"
      description: "Settlement account for checking transactions"
      normalBalanceType: CREDIT
      accountSetIds: [$set_settlementId]
      status: ACTIVE
  ) {

  tc_alloc_budget: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_allocBudgetId
      code: "ALLOC_BUDGET"
      description: "Allocate an amount to a specific budget."
      params: [
          name: "account"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's budget account ID."
          name: "amount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount to allocate to budget."
        { name: "effective", type: DATE, description: "Current date." }
          name: "category"
          type: STRING
          description: "Budget category to allocate to: 'Discretionary', 'Expenses', etc."
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Allocate ' + string(params.amount) + ' to budget \"' + string(params.category) + '\" for user with account ID: ' + string(params.account)"
        metadata: "{ 'userAccountId': string(params.account), 'budgetCategory': params.category }"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'ALLOC_BUDGET_CR'"
          direction: "CREDIT"
          layer: "ENCUMBRANCE"
          accountId: $budgetOffsetIdExpression
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'ALLOC_BUDGET_DR'"
          direction: "DEBIT"
          layer: "ENCUMBRANCE"
  ) {

  tc_dealloc_budget: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_deallocBudgetId
      code: "DEALLOC_BUDGET"
      description: "Deallocate funds from a budget."
      params: [
          name: "account"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's budget account ID."
          name: "amount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount to deallocate from budget."
        { name: "effective", type: DATE, description: "Current date." }
          name: "category"
          type: STRING
          description: "Budget category to deallocate from: 'Discretionary', 'Expenses', etc."
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Deallocate ' + string(params.amount) + ' to budget \"' + string(params.category) + '\" for user with account ID: ' + string(params.account)"
        metadata: "{ 'userAccountId': string(params.account), 'budgetCategory': params.category }"
      entries: [
          accountId: $budgetOffsetIdExpression
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'DEALLOC_BUDGET_CR'"
          direction: "CREDIT"
          layer: "ENCUMBRANCE"
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'DEALLOC_BUDGET_DR'"
          direction: "DEBIT"
          layer: "ENCUMBRANCE"
  ) {

  tc_assign_to_budget: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_assignToBudgetId
      code: "ASSIGN_TO_BUDGET"
      description: "Assign a transaction to a particular budget."
      params: [
          name: "account"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's budget account ID."
          name: "amount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount to assign to budget."
        { name: "effective", type: DATE, description: "Current date." }
          name: "category"
          type: STRING
          description: "Budget category to deallocate from: 'Discretionary', 'Expenses', etc."
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Assign ' + string(params.amount) + ' to budget \"' + string(params.category) + '\" for user with account ID: ' + string(params.account)"
        metadata: "{ 'userAccountId': string(params.account), 'budgetCategory': params.category }"
      entries: [
          accountId: $budgetOffsetIdExpression
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'ASSIGN_TO_BUDGET_CR'"
          direction: "CREDIT"
          layer: "ENCUMBRANCE"
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'ASSIGN_TO_BUDGET_DR'"
          direction: "DEBIT"
          layer: "ENCUMBRANCE"
  ) {

  tc_record_tx: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_recordTxId
      code: "RECORD_TX"
      description: "Record a transaction."
      params: [
        { name: "account", type: UUID, description: "User's asset account ID." }
          name: "settlementAccount"
          type: UUID
          description: "Settlement account ID to use, determined by the transaction type. E.g. for card transactions, use the SETTLEMENT.CARD account."
        { name: "amount", type: DECIMAL, description: "Amount of transaction." }
          name: "effective"
          type: DATE
          description: "Effective date for transaction."
          name: "transactionType"
          type: STRING
          description: "Type of transaction: ACH Debit, Check Deposit, etc."
          name: "isDebit"
          type: BOOLEAN
          description: "If true (default), debit the account specified. If false, credit the account."
          default: true
          name: "correlationId"
          type: STRING
          description: "Correlation identifier to group transactions in this sequence."
          default: "_unspecified_"
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Record ' + string(params.isDebit ? 'debit' : 'credit') + ' transaction for user with account ID: ' + string(params.account)"
        metadata: "{ 'transactionType': string(params.transactionType) }"
        correlationId: "string(params.correlationId != '_unspecified_' ? params.correlationId : uuid.New())"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'DR' : 'CR')"
          direction: "params.isDebit ? DEBIT : CREDIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
          accountId: "params.settlementAccount"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'CR' : 'DR')" # opposite direction
          direction: "params.isDebit ? CREDIT : DEBIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
  ) {

  tc_record_pending_tx: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_recordPendingTxId
      code: "RECORD_PENDING_TX"
      description: "Record a pending transaction."
      params: [
        { name: "account", type: UUID, description: "User's asset account ID." }
          name: "settlementAccount"
          type: UUID
          description: "Settlement account ID to use, determined by the transaction type. E.g. for card transactions, use the SETTLEMENT.CARD account."
        { name: "amount", type: DECIMAL, description: "Amount of transaction." }
          name: "effective"
          type: DATE
          description: "Effective date for transaction."
          name: "transactionType"
          type: STRING
          description: "Type of transaction: ACH Debit, Check Deposit, etc."
          name: "isDebit"
          type: BOOLEAN
          description: "If true (default), debit the account specified. If false, credit the account."
          default: true
          name: "correlationId"
          type: STRING
          description: "Correlation identifier to group transactions in this sequence."
          default: "_unspecified_"
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Record pending ' + string(params.isDebit ? 'debit' : 'credit') + ' transaction for user with account ID: ' + string(params.account)"
        metadata: "{ 'transactionType': string(params.transactionType) }"
        correlationId: "string(params.correlationId != '_unspecified_' ? params.correlationId : uuid.New())"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_PENDING_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'DR' : 'CR')"
          direction: "params.isDebit ? DEBIT : CREDIT"
          layer: "PENDING"
          accountId: "params.settlementAccount"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_PENDING_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'CR' : 'DR')" # opposite direction
          direction: "params.isDebit ? CREDIT : DEBIT"
          layer: "PENDING"
  ) {

  tc_record_settle_pending_tx: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_recordSettlePendingTxId
      description: "Settle a recorded pending transaction."
      params: [
        { name: "account", type: UUID, description: "User's asset account ID." }
          name: "settlementAccount"
          type: UUID
          description: "Settlement account ID to use, determined by the transaction type. E.g. for card transactions, use the SETTLEMENT.CARD account."
          name: "settledAmount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount of settled transaction."
          name: "originalAmount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount of original (pending) transaction."
          name: "effective"
          type: DATE
          description: "Effective date for transaction."
          name: "transactionType"
          type: STRING
          description: "Type of transaction: ACH Debit, Check Deposit, etc."
          name: "isDebit"
          type: BOOLEAN
          description: "If true (default), debit the account specified. If false, credit the account."
          default: true
          name: "correlationId"
          type: STRING
          description: "Correlation identifier to group transactions in this sequence."
          default: "_unspecified_"
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Settle recorded pending ' + string(params.isDebit ? 'debit' : 'credit') + ' transaction for user with account ID: ' + string(params.account)"
        metadata: "{ 'transactionType': string(params.transactionType) }"
        correlationId: "string(params.correlationId != '_unspecified_' ? params.correlationId : uuid.New())"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.settledAmount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_SETTLE_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'DR' : 'CR')"
          direction: "params.isDebit ? DEBIT : CREDIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
          accountId: "params.settlementAccount"
          units: "params.settledAmount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_SETTLE_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'CR' : 'DR')" # opposite direction
          direction: "params.isDebit ? CREDIT : DEBIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
          accountId: "params.account"
          units: "params.originalAmount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_SETTLE_PENDING_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'CR' : 'DR')" # opposite direction
          direction: "params.isDebit ? CREDIT : DEBIT"
          layer: "PENDING"
          accountId: "params.settlementAccount"
          units: "params.originalAmount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'RECORD_SETTLE_PENDING_TX_'+ string(params.isDebit ? 'DR' : 'CR')"
          direction: "params.isDebit ? DEBIT : CREDIT"
          layer: "PENDING"
  ) {

  tc_wallet_transfer: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_walletTransferId
      code: "WALLET_TRANSFER"
      description: "Transfer funds between wallets."
      params: [
          name: "fromWallet"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's wallet account to credit."
          name: "toWallet"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's wallet account to debit."
        { name: "amount", type: DECIMAL, description: "Amount to transfer." }
        { name: "effective", type: DATE, description: "Date of transfer." }
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Transfer ' + string(params.amount) + ' from wallet ' + string(params.fromWallet) + ' to wallet ' + string(params.toWallet)"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.fromWallet"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'WALLET_TRANSFER_CR'"
          direction: "CREDIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
          accountId: "params.toWallet"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'WALLET_TRANSFER_DR'"
          direction: "DEBIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
  ) {

  tc_wallet_deposit: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_walletDepositId
      code: "WALLET_DEPOSIT"
      description: "Deposit funds into a user's wallet account from their checking account."
      params: [
        { name: "wallet", type: UUID, description: "User's wallet account." }
          name: "checking"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's checking account."
          name: "amount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount to move into wallet."
        { name: "effective", type: DATE, description: "Date of deposit." }
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Transfer ' + string(params.amount) + ' from checking account ' + string(params.checking) + ' to wallet ' + string(params.wallet)"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.checking"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'WALLET_DEPOSIT_CR'"
          direction: "CREDIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
          accountId: "params.wallet"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'WALLET_DEPOSIT_DR'"
          direction: "DEBIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
  ) {

  tc_wallet_withdraw: createTranCode(
    input: {
      tranCodeId: $tc_walletWithdrawId
      code: "WALLET_WITHDRAW"
      description: "Withdraw funds from a user's wallet account into their checking account."
      params: [
        { name: "wallet", type: UUID, description: "User's wallet account." }
          name: "checking"
          type: UUID
          description: "User's checking account."
          name: "amount"
          type: DECIMAL
          description: "Amount to withdraw from wallet."
        { name: "effective", type: DATE, description: "Date of withdrawal." }
      transaction: {
        journalId: $journalIdExpression
        effective: "params.effective"
        description: "'Transfer ' + string(params.amount) + ' to checking account ' + string(params.checking) + ' from wallet ' + string(params.wallet)"
      entries: [
          accountId: "params.wallet"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'WALLET_DEPOSIT_CR'"
          direction: "CREDIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
          accountId: "params.checking"
          units: "params.amount"
          currency: "'USD'"
          description: "''"
          entryType: "'WALLET_DEPOSIT_DR'"
          direction: "DEBIT"
          layer: "SETTLED"
  ) {