
Organizing with Account Sets

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use account sets to organize your chart of accounts.

With the structure provided by account sets, you can enhance your ledger with custom materialized balances and organize accounts into groups based on their purpose or function.

  • Create new sets with the createAccountSet mutation
  • Add members to a set with the addToAccountSet mutation
  • Get set data and its members with the accountSet query
  • Update fields on a set with the updateAccountSet mutation
  • Delete a set with the deleteAccountSet mutation


Before beginning this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Twisp's ledger system and how transactions, accounts, and entries work. Review the Accounting Core docs for more context.

If you'd like to follow along with the steps in this tutorial, you should have added accounts to your ledger. See the tutorial on Setting Up Accounts.

Getting started

The easiest way to interact with the Twisp GraphQL API is to login to the Twisp Console and use the GraphiQL tool.

If you prefer to use your own GraphQL client, you can send authenticated requests to the Twisp API endpoint.

To seed your setup with some example accounts, sets, and tran codes, you can use the Example Setup.

Create an account set

To create a new AccountSet, we'll use the createAccountSet mutation. This mutation takes several arguments:

  • accountSetId: A unique identifier for the account set.
  • journalId: The ID of the journal to which the account set belongs.
  • name: The name of the account set.
  • description: A description of the account set.
  • normalBalanceType: The normal balance to use for rolling up balances for this account set (either DEBIT or CREDIT).

Let's create an account set to hold customer's accounts. We'll call it "Customers" and set the normalBalanceType to CREDIT:

Create account set

mutation CreateAccountSet($accountSetCustomersId: UUID!, $journalGLId: UUID!) {
    input: {
      accountSetId: $accountSetCustomersId
      journalId: $journalGLId
      name: "Customers"
      description: "All customer wallets."
      normalBalanceType: DEBIT
  ) {

This operation will add a new account set to the ledger. Note the DEBIT balance type indicates that this account set is of the type that has a debit normal balance, which means that debits increase the balance and credits decrease the balance.

Add set members

To add an account to an account set, use the mutation addToAccountSet. The mutation takes two arguments:

  • id: Unique identifier for the account set to which the member will be added.
  • member: An AccountSetMemberInput object containing the unique identifier of the account or account set to be added as a member, as well as the type of member (ACCOUNT or ACCOUNT_SET).

Add to account set

mutation AddToAccountSet(
  $accountSetCustomersId: UUID!
  $accountCustomerAliciaId: UUID!
) {
    id: $accountSetCustomersId
    member: { memberId: $accountCustomerAliciaId, memberType: ACCOUNT }
  ) {
    members(first: 10) {
      nodes {
        ... on Account {

The addToAccountSet field returns the updated account set, including its ID and the list of members. In this case, the list of members is limited to the first 10 nodes, and only the accountId, name, and code fields are included in the response.

Try creating another account for a customer named "Bobby", then add their account to the "Customers" account set.

Nest account sets within other sets

One powerful feature of AccountSets is that they can be nested within other sets. This allows us to create more complex structures for our chart of accounts.

To nest one AccountSet within another, it's as simple as use the same addToAccountSet mutation, but with a memberType of ACCOUNT_SET. For example:

mutation AddToAccountSetNested(
    id: "<ID for parent account set>"
    member: { memberId: "<ID of child account set", memberType: ACCOUNT_SET }
  ) {
    members(first: 10) {
      nodes {
        ... on AccountSet {

By adding nested sets, you can create tree-like structures. Can you recreate this tree using the commands you've learned so far?

Query members of an account set

To query the members, we'll use the accountSet query and request the members field of the "Customers" set created earlier.

Query set members

query GetAccountSet {
  accountSet(id: "29ef3f18-97b1-40d9-9852-27f1607b6ca8") {
    members(first: 10) {
      nodes {
        ... on Account {

Note that the members field returns a paginated response. Because account sets can contain accounts or other account sets, we can use an inline fragment to specify which fields are to be returned depending on the type.

The "Customers" set only contains accounts at this point, so no fields for account sets need to be specified.

If you are unfamiliar with union types in GraphQL, you can find a good summary on the official docs:

Update fields on an account set

The updateAccountSet mutation is used to update fields of an existing account set (name, description, metadata, etc.).

It takes as input the id of the account set to be updated and an input object containing the fields to update.

Update set

mutation UpdateAccountSet($accountSetCustomersId: UUID!) {
    id: $accountSetCustomersId
    input: { name: "Customer Wallets" }
  ) {
    history(first: 2) {
      nodes {

This mutation can be useful when there is a need to update the name of an existing account set due to changes in an organization's structure or operations. The response from the mutation can be used to verify that the update was successful and to track changes to the account set over time.

Delete an account set

The deleteAccountSet mutation is used to delete an existing account set. It takes as input the id of the account set to be deleted.

Delete set

mutation DeleteAccountSet($accountSetCustomersId: UUID!) {
  deleteAccountSet(id: $accountSetCustomersId) {

This mutation can be useful when an account set is no longer needed or was created in error.


In this tutorial, we've explored how to use AccountSets to organize accounts.

We've covered how to create an account set, add members to it, nest sets within other sets, query set members, update fields of a set, and delete a set.

By using account sets to organize your chart of accounts, you can create more flexible and powerful structures that better fit the needs of your business or organization.

Pulling Balances