
Posting Transactions

In this tutorial, we will learn how to post transactions using the GraphQL API.

  • Determine a tran code to use and understand its params
  • Post a transaction with a specified tran code using the postTransaction mutation
  • Query transactions to inspect entries written with the transaction query

Posting transactions in Twisp is a simple process that involves specifying the transaction details and the transaction code (tran code) to use. Transactions are written to the ledger, and entries are created for as specified by the tran code used.


Before you start, you should have added accounts to your ledger. See the tutorial on Setting Up Accounts.

Getting started

The easiest way to interact with the Twisp GraphQL API is to login to the Twisp Console and use the GraphiQL tool.

If you prefer to use your own GraphQL client, you can send authenticated requests to the Twisp API endpoint.

To seed your setup with some example accounts, sets, and tran codes, you can use the Example Setup.

Choose a transaction code

You will need to choose a transaction code to use before posting transactions.

Transaction codes are pre-defined templates that specify how transactions should be processed. Transaction codes define the accounts and amounts to debit and credit, the currency to use, and any other parameters required by the transaction. Transaction codes are usually created during the configuration of a Twisp ledger and can be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization.

For this tutorial, we will use a BOOK_TRANSFER transaction code. The BOOK_TRANSFER transaction code requires the following parameters:

  • the account to debit
  • the account to credit
  • the amount to transfer
  • the currency of the transfer
  • the effective date of the transfer transaction

For a more in-depth look at this tran code, review the tutorial page on Building Tran Codes.

Once a transaction code has been selected, a transaction can be written using the postTransaction mutation.

Write a postTransaction mutation

To post a transaction, you will need to provide the following inputs:

  • transactionId: a unique identifier for the transaction
  • tranCode: the transaction code to use
  • params: a set of key-value parameters as specified by the transaction code

Once the transaction is posted, Twisp will write the transaction to the ledger and create entries for each account affected by the transaction.

Provide a unique transactionId

It's important to provide a unique transactionId when posting a transaction. This can help prevent duplicate transactions from being posted accidentally, i.e. it ensures idempotent transactions.

Specify values for all params

Make sure to specify all required values in the params object for the transaction code you are using.

Here's an example mutation showing how to post a transaction with the BOOK_TRANSFER tran code:


mutation PostTransaction(
  $accountCustomerAliciaId: UUID!
  $accountCustomerBobbyId: UUID!
) {
    input: {
      transactionId: "6b5e47b6-60d2-49bf-8210-0e4c3dd3ec68"
      tranCode: "BOOK_TRANSFER"
      params: {
        crAccount: $accountCustomerAliciaId
        drAccount: $accountCustomerBobbyId
        amount: "1.00"
        currency: "USD"
        effective: "2022-09-08"
  ) {

This code example shows a transaction that transfers funds between two accounts. The params object specifies all required values for this transaction, including the customer account to credit (crAccount) and customer account to debit (drAccount), the amount to transfer (amount), the currency (currency), and the effective date of the transaction (effective).

Keep in mind that transactions are processed according to the rules defined in the transaction code. It is important to ensure that the transaction code and its associated parameters are correct before posting the transaction.

Query transactions to see entries written

Any posted transaction can be queried to view its fields and the entries that were written to the ledger. Here's an example query:


query GetTransaction {
  transaction(id: "434696a7-56e5-4e14-a97a-884820690a22") {
    tranCode {
    journal {
    entries(first: 10) {
      nodes {
        account {
        amount {
          formatted(as: { locale: "en-US" })

This GraphQL query returns a transaction with its description, effective date, transaction code, journal name, metadata, and entries. The entries include the sequence, entry type, layer, direction, account name, and formatted amount.


Posting transactions in Twisp is a straightforward process that requires specifying the transaction code to use along with the values for all parameters as defined by the tran code. The postTransaction mutation will return the posted transaction. Transactions can also be queried using the transaction and transactions queries.

Setting Up Accounts